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Hao Yuan

Senior Student at School of Software Engineering, Tongji University


I'm currently an undergraduate, working as a software engineer intern at SAP Shanghai labs. I'll graduate with a bachelor's degree from School of Software Engineering, Tongji University in July 2020.

I have applied for up to 17 granduate programs, and I'm lucky enough to be admitted into the MISM@CMU in the end. In the future, I would like to dive into the industry, and explore my possibilities in Software Engineering, Data Science, and also Consulting.

I have a vast interest in both algorithms and software engineering. It's a great pleasure for me to create, modify and refine algorithms so that they can be of better use to address problems concerns with daily life. Furthurmore, applications built using software engineering have already altered our lives tremendously, as they deliver professional knowledge and services to common people with little cost. Thus, I'm very happy to be involved in the IT industry.

Professional Experience

In November 2018, I, cooperating with my classmates and supervised by Prof. Hongfei Fan, initiated the National Undergraduate Innovation Training Program. We developed a nursing support system named InitBaby, which analyzed a baby’s health condition using the diary uploaded by parents. I was in charge of the design of algorithms, and I managed to build an adapted NLP system based on Stanford CoreNLP in three week. I also simplified and optimized the traditional NLP process through three iterations, and recognition accuracy improved by 14%.

Later in January 2019, my team took part in the Mathematical and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM), where we are required to design the evacuation plan. We built a hybrid evacuation model based on three traditional models to predict the flow of people, and finally we were awarded the Meritorious Winner.

I've also worked as a software engineer intern at SAP Shanghai labs. My work mainly covers maintaining the quality of the legacy systems, implementing testings procedures.


Hao Yuan, Guo Yu, Yifan Ma, Jieneng Chen, and Xiongda Chen, "A Hybrid Model for Evacuation Simulation and Efficiency Optimization in Large Complex Buildings", Accepted by the 6th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CSEIT), 2019.